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Hunter’s Story: Our Happy Boy!

Hunter’s Story, as told by his mom, Nicolette:

“I am mom to Hunter who is almost 2 years old. We have made it through many ups and many downs over the last almost 2 years.

When Hunter was born he spent 43 days in 2 different NICUs. He was born at a hospital that thankfully had a NICU, but at about 3.5 weeks old they just couldn’t provide the rest of the care he needed so we transferred to a children’s hospital. We needed answers.

At about a month old we received his diagnosis. Looking back to that very day I thought it was the worse day of my life but it wasn’t. I was able to get the answers and the help Hunter required. He went home on 24/7 oxygen because he had sleep apnea and he was sleeping 23 hours of the day. He went on to have a really rough first year. Many many appointments, therapy visits, ER visits, and many hospital stays. I never thought it would end.

He had an NG tube for 10 months and at that point we decided to make the switch to a gtube. When it comes to the feeding tube its hard to think about having to tube feed your child. I try to look at the glass half full. This tube has provided the nutrients to help my son grow to stay alive, it has let him learn how to get stronger before having to worry about using his energy to eat, we have been able to still feed him and hydrate him when very sick, and lastly it has let him learn at his own pace.

None of our kids are the same or alike. They all go on their own time. Hunter is still currently tube fed but he just started eating baby food at least twice a day without feeling pressure to get it all in. Luckily, Hunter started growth hormones while still in the NICU at a month old, so that was one less fight we had to put up, which isn’t the case for a lot of families.

Through all of the hard times we have been through, all the learning we have had to do, the sleepless hospital nights, and all of the therapy visits, I wouldn’t trade it for the world.

If Hunter wasn’t born with Prader-Willi Syndrome, he wouldn’t be Hunter. Which would be a shame because I have never met a happier person than him. He constantly has a smile on his face, always! I believe our kids can do anything they put their mind to. Prader-Willi Syndrome will not hold my child back and it shouldn’t hold yours back either!!! Together we can all get through this. One day at a time.”

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