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Two Research Studies Looking for Participants

Hello from the PRETEND/Telehealth team at Case Western Reserve University! We are excited to say that we are gearing up for another enrollment trip for our ongoing studies on Prader-Willi syndrome, this time in San Antonio, TX. We will be there from Wednesday March 8 through Saturday March 11.We are recruiting families with children with PWS 3-11 years of age, for assessment of emotional, cognitive, and social abilities, and the opportunity to enroll in a 6-week play-based remote intervention program to improve skills in these areas.
If you are interested in participating please complete the following link: https://cwru.az1.qualtrics.com/SE/?SID=SV_b7nq4ecv2fwCOUt, and/or reach out to our Research Associate, Ellen Doernberg, at
216-368-0112, or via email a neurodevelopmentresearchlab@gmail.com.
Thank you so much and we hope to hear from you soon!
The PRETEND/Telehealh Team
Profiling of the gut microbiome in children with PWS
Our study
The human gut contains bacteria that play an important role in food digestion. When the stomach and small intestine are unable to digest certain foods, gut microbes ensure nutrients are digested. Changes in gut microbes may lead to obesity, but the specific role of gut microbes in weight control in Prader-Willi Syndrome (PWS) and childhood obesity is not yet fully understood. In our study, we will compare the gut microbial composition of children with PWS to individuals of similar age, gender and body weight who do not have PWS.
Our Objective 
Our objective is to explore the gut microbiome in children with PWS compared to children without PWS.
What will participants be asked to do?
Children will come to the University of Alberta, Canada, for one study visit for about an hour and a half. Before they come, we will send children and their parents more information about the study. If parents agree to have their child participate they will sign a consent form. Children will sign an assent form if they also agree to participate. During the study visit we will:
  • measure children’s body weight, height and waist circumference;
  • ask questions about children’s appetite;
  • ask children to bring a stool sample on a container provided by us;
  • ask children to complete a 3-day food record (parents can help with this).
Who can participate in this study?
  1. Confirmed diagnosis of Prader-Willi Syndrome (for infants and children with PWS).
  2. Similar age, gender and weight to PWS participants (for infants and children without PWS).
  3. Normal blood thyroid hormone levels.
  4. Weight stable over the preceding 2 months prior to study.
  5. Infants and children between birth and 17 years old.
Who can’t participate in this study?
  1. Infants and children with other clinically significant disease such as diabetes mellitus, chronic inflammatory bowel disease, chronic severe liver or kidney disease or neurologic disorders.
  2. Infants and children taking medication known to affect body weight in the past year.
  3. Infants and children taking antibiotics in the past 30 days prior to enrollment.
For more information about the study, please contact Lucila Triador, Research Assistant, at triador@ualberta.ca
(PWSA (USA) is providing sponsorship for both grants.)

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