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Various graphs showing the data that came from TREND community and conversations in the Prader-Willi Syndrome community

TREND Community Launch Report

PWSA | USA partnered with TREND Community to help further PWS research through conversations. For two years, TREND collected data from Facebook group conversations to gain important insight into the issues families were facing.

Please note that there was no personal information attached to the data that was collected, but merely the keywords and topics that were being discussed. Some of this data has already fostered and shaped ongoing PWS trials. 

In 2016, Dr. Daniel Glaze and Amee Revana of Texas Children’s Hospital (TCH) used TREND insights to reveal that narcolepsy and cataplexy symptoms are commonly experienced by our community. These data convinced Harmony Biosciences to pursue a clinical trial to study pitolisant in patients with Prader-Willi syndrome. TCH, TREND, and Harmony partnered to write this important recommendation on the diagnosis and management of sleep disorders in Prader-Willi syndrome: https://jcsm.aasm.org/doi/10.5664/jcsm.9938

You can read and review the Launch Report that came from two years of data collecting from social media groups. 

TREND Community has moved to a new platform called Discord. The community is encouraged to download Discord and join the PWS Connect community to help further PWS research through conversations and connections. Again, any data collected from this platform is de-identified, meaning there is no personal information connected to the data collected. 

If you would like to help further PWS research through conversations, please join us in PWS Connect on Discord. Here’s how: 

  1. Fill out the brief application using the button below. 
  2. Check Your Email: Look for an invitation link to join our Discord community.
  3. Join the Community: Click the link to become part of our supportive network.

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