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Call for Volunteer Treasurer!

We know that many of you want to make a difference in the lives of members of our PWS Community – and we have the perfect opportunity if you, or one of your family or friends, are a CPA. 

Our fabulous treasurer is retiring in March after many years of excellent service to our association. There are staff members in place that provide the day-to-day duties in regards to finance, so this volunteer position will oversee the preparation of the Form 990, and actively participate in various virtual meetings such as the Finance and Executive Committee meetings. It is estimated that the time commitment is 15-20 hours per month. 

A Certified Public Accountant is preferred, with experience in nonprofit accounting and tax laws. Experience with Blackbaud’s Financial Edge software is a plus. We know that someone in our community – or in their network of friends and family members – is the ideal fit for this position. Please contact CEO Paige Rivard, privard@pwsausa​.org, for more information or to apply. Thank you for your interest!

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