PWS Travel Tales and Tips

Traveling with PWS can seem daunting, especially when families are first learning about the diagnosis. While adjustments often need to be made, and details considered through the lens of this genetic disorder, many families do travel with their loved one with PWS. To honor and celebrate these experiences and offer guidance and hope to families who may be apprehensive, we are looking for your travel tales and tips!

Travel Tales

Whether you traveled with your loved one to the next state over or halfway around the world, we’d love to hear from you. Where did you go and what did you do while you were there? Tell us about your adventure.

Travel Tips

Share your tips for how to safely and successfully travel with your loved one. What do you wish you had known before traveling? What have you learned since then that you can share with families?

Share Your Travel Tale & Tips

If you’d like to share a travel tale, some travel tips, or both, please fill out the form below. We’d love to your pictures as well! We will share these Tales and Tips in our blog and on our social media pages. Look there to read the adventures and lessons others have shared!

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