Provider Training

Supporting the Community Through Training

PWSA | USA supports the PWS community in a multitude of ways. This includes providing training to residential home and school staff. These trainings are an essential component of educating schools, homes, and providers to help our loved ones live safer, healthier lives. Kim Tula is our Alterman Family Support Counselor. She has recently traveled to a number of places to provide these trainings. We asked her to share details about her work in the community.

Types of Training

We offer specialized Prader-Willi syndrome (PWS) training for schools and residential providers, covering learning impacts, food security, behavior support, genetics, medical overview, and more. Attendees include school staff and various professionals. Our recent hospital training highlighted PWS-specific group home considerations.

Benefits of Training

Quality Care

Personalized support for PWS ensures food security and recognizes individual strengths.

An Informed Community

Targeted training raises awareness, promoting understanding of PWS complexities and diversity.

Supported Individuals

We prioritize individual strengths, providing tailored care for those with PWS.


“Your training was incredibly impactful for our staff and those who joined us. People have been writing to let me know how much they enjoyed it. It was really powerful for us. Thank you. It far exceeded our expectations-you were stellar to say the least. Great job and thank you.”

“Your training was incredibly impactful for our staff and those who joined us. People have been writing to let me know how much they enjoyed it. It was really powerful for us. Thank you. It far exceeded our expectations-you were stellar to say the least. Great job and thank you.”

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Residential Directory

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A doctor examining a young boy with Prader-Willi Syndome

PWS Clinics

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